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Healing Circles

In Person - Monthly Groups

A few years ago (at the request of my clients who had become increasingly interested in meditation), I began hosting circles. It felt like a most authentic way to introduce meditation and healing to people – yet in a most nurturing and healing way.


Every healing circle is unique and no two will ever be the same. My healing circles are more like healing transmissions journeys – in that I am transmitting healing waves and reiki energy to everyone in the circle. I often theme my ceremony circles around the astrological placements such as new moon and full moon as these are traditionally considered powerful times to invite in and manifest intentions to manifestation (matter).


I also like to call in the spirit of plant medicine such as San Pedro cactus, Ayahuasca and benevolent beings such as Mother Mary, archangels and those that I believe will help people shift and grow. In the next healing circle, for instance, we will be calling in the essence of St. Germain (Elderflower) for its frequency to help release stress and trauma. Healing circles don’t need to be overly serious though.


I serve mine with Turmeric Lattes, nut and seasonal fruits and nibbles. Sharing with others in the circle is completely optional – they are a safe and caring space. Usually my healing circles last an hour with up to 15 participants. Ultimately, healing circles are a meaningful way to bring people together to expand self-awareness, empathy, compassion and a sense of community.

Divine Group Healing

Live Virtual - Group sessions

Inspired by Maya’s longest-running Sacred Healings, join these monthly Divine Group Healing Sessions for powerful energy upgrades and guided healing from higher realms and benevolent beings.  


All the answers are within us – but at times it can be challenging to tune in and know what feels right. These group sessions are designed to take you deep within so that you feel connected and aligned to your heart and truth.   


They offer an empowering way for you to explore your issues and make important life decisions. In a sacred, supportive, and safe circle, you are gently guided to work on any issues that are holding you back from you living fully with joy, trust and inspiration. Transcend emotional blockages such as heart break, grief, depression and trauma. Recalibrate physical issues like chronic stress, anxiety, sleep issues and on-going physical pain.


In these live virtual sessions, you will be able to engage and interact directly with your dedicated healer, Maya. She will guide you to strengthen your inner world so that you can walk your path with truth and integrity. The more we live from this place, the more we radiate clarity and attract opportunities to grow in our vocation, creative, love, family and relationships.


These sacred offerings are limited to an intimate group of 11 attendees to honour the integrity of healing. They include insightful discussions with dedicated Q&A and optional sharing time. 


You are the Temple in your own life. The time is NOW to honour yourself and walk your path feeling strong and balanced.  

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