Explore healings offering that suits your needs

Healing Love Portal
Activate your heart chakra, heal past relationship traumas, family and matters relating to the heart.
Seek to live more from your truth, authenticity and with more fire and spirit? Living from our heart feels grounding, on-purpose, in tune with divine source, clear, connected and conscious – all the beautiful frequencies of the golden age.
Introducing the ‘Healing Love Portal’, an empowering journey to awaken, ignite and activate the heart chakra. When we live and speak from our heart, our energy field is magnified, and we feel enriched and alive.
Signs that you may need a Healing Love Portal session – heartbreak, low self-worth, relationship break-up, grief, pain, sorrow, loneliness, confusion and disconnection.
A ‘Healing Love Portal Journey’ is a powerful clearing and reset to get you back on your path and living with joy, flow and trust again. As we release the past and embody softness and surrendering, we feel aligned, resilient and recharged.
What to expect from your Healing Love Portal Journey?

Divine Group Healings
Divine Group healing sessions assist with releasing shadows such limiting beliefs and unresolved emotions and begins raising one's vibration allowing space to reconnect with the heart and oneness.
Maya Ridoux Sweeney is a healer and channel and will guide you through a healing process with divine LOVE supported by the higher realms and benevolent beings.
What does a Divine Group Healing Session look like?
-The Divine Group Healing Session will include guided and channeled healing and energy upgrades depending on the group collective.
-Opportunity to include your personal health and life issues you wish to work on at the beginning of the session.
-Dedicated time for insights, questions and sharing's.
-This is a LIVE online session on Zoom video call, you will be able to see and speak to Maya, your healer.
-Live Monthly 90min sessions on a Saturday with multiple times available.
-Max of 11 participants each session for a more intimate healing experience with high integrity.
-Pay per session.

Sacred Healings
POPULAR bespoke Sacred Healings for body and soul.
Balancing your energy system, releasing blocks and attachments to unhealthy beliefs, habits, anxiety, stress and past lives, can help you live a calm and happy life and have healthy control of your emotions.
Maya is an intuit psychic who can read a person's energy field past, present and future during a Sacred Healing session, which is utilized to help one overcome their unique health and emotional issues – and may comprise of Homeopathic Remedies, Reiki, Entity/Spirit removal, Multidimensional Healing, Aura Clearing, Embodiment, Crystals, Energy Healing, singing bowls, Breathwork and Psychic surgery.

Healing Circles
Held Monthly at Orchardst Dispensary Bronte and in a home garden Ashfield
Connect with likeminded souls of all ages and backgrounds.
Self-journey in a fully supported group healing transmission and safe container. Each class is a little different depending on the celestial and global happenings.